Our honey comes from a local, veteran-owned family farm.
We produce honey with a fresh, homegrown flavor at Secret Garden Bees®. How do we make our honey taste so good? It’s all about where our honey comes from. Our honeybees collect pollen from 22 acres of beautiful farmland here in North Carolina that is dotted with flowers, plants, and trees. Then, our bees use this pollen to create the delicious honey so many now know and love.
After leaving the Army, our owner, founder, and beekeeper, Jim Hartman, decided to put his family farm to good use while also helping local farmers effectively pollinate their crops. Our honey farm started with just two hives, and now, we’ve grown our honey farm to include more than 30 hives. We look forward to our future growth and growing our hive numbers further to meet demand for our local honey.
After we harvest honey from our hives, we never over-filter or overheat it. As a result, our honey maintains is natural goodness. This also allows our honey to provide the health benefits people look for when purchasing and consuming raw honey.
We’re committed to producing a high-quality product, and you can purchase our honey at local fairs and markets, as well as several retailers in our local area. By purchasing our honey, you support a local family farm and a veteran-run business. We’re excited for you to taste the difference in our raw honey, so contact us today to place an order or to learn more about our honeybee farm.