Our local honey apiary produces delicious raw honey.
Pure, raw honey is as close as it comes to the honey inside a beehive. Once the honey is ready, impurities like beeswax are separated out of it, but other than that, nothing else is done to the honey before being bottled. Raw honey can provide many different health benefits, and the best place to get this type of honey is from a local honey apiary.
We are a family-owned, local honey apiary at Secret Garden Bees®, and we’re known for the quality of our raw honey. Once our honeybees produce enough honey and we prepare to bottle it, we never over-filter or overheat our honey. Instead, we leave our honey just like it is to preserve as much of its natural goodness as possible.
Our local honey apiary in Linden, North Carolina is run by a disabled Army veteran and his family. Since our farm is tucked away in a field of wildflowers and clovers, our honeybees have plenty of pollen to gather throughout the year to take back to their hives and create this delicious treat. We are expanding to many retail locations, and you’ll find us at select fairs and markets along the East Coast. If you are in the Linden area, you can always stop by and purchase our honey right from the farm.
We are grateful for the continued support of our local honey apiary that has allowed our honeybee farm to grow substantially over the past few years. To place an order for some local honey or to learn more about our honeybee farm, contact us today.